Andreas Jahn

Job Title
Senior Associate
Regulatory Assistance Project (RAP)

As a senior associate in Berlin, Andreas Jahn focuses on issues relating to the German 'Energiewende', or energy transition, helping develop and advance regulatory options for a carbon-neutral power sector, including demand-side resources and tariff design. He also supports RAP's work throughout Europe. Jahn has extensive experience with power markets and regulation, as well as knowledge of the German national political arena.

Prior to joining RAP, Jahn was responsible for all energy policy and regulatory matters as the director of regulatory affairs at lekker Energie, a German electricity and gas provider. Through his work as a senior expert for the Association of New Energy Suppliers, he gained valuable insight into political decision-making processes and legislative procedures. He was also a member of the Federal Ministry of Economics' task force on legislation to implement grid regulation in Germany.

Andreas Jahn has extensive knowledge of the technical, environmental, and political aspects of energy markets through his degree in environmental science from Leeuwarden (Netherlands) and Bingen (Germany).

In addition to his native German, Andreas speaks fluent English and advanced Spanish.

June 18, 2024Electric Trucks Have Power: Cost Analysis of Megawatt Charging in Europe

June 19, 2024Pursuing Socially Inclusive Demand-side Flexibility in Europe

Demand Side Flexibility - the Role of Grid Infrastructure, Market Players and Digitalization in Meeting Consumer Expectations

Wednesday, June 19, 2024, 11:00 am - 12:30 pm

ICM München Room 13 A

Active consumer involvement is a crucial aspect of the energy transition. Demand-side flexibility is essential for a flexible energy system that integrates the exponentially growing number of distributed energy resources. Both the system and society in general need consumers to adapt their energy usage to the available network capacity. Digitalization and new technologies - such as smart meters - as well as market-based solutions will allow consumers to become active players. However, being able does not necessarily mean being willing, so incentives are needed. This session will also address how our grid can be prepared to meet consumer expectations and how to deal with a flood of connection requests in a timely manner while ensuring security of supply.

Supercharge Your Knowledge: Unveiling the Future of E-Mobility Charging!

Tuesday, June 18, 2024, 11:30 am - 01:00 pm

ICM München Room 13 B

Join us for an electrifying conference session where we put the finger on the pulse of e-mobility charging. Explore how cutting-edge technologies and innovative strategies are shaping sustainable transportation. Get ready to plug into the future with distinguished speakers as they dive into the following topics:The path towards cost-effective and scalable solutions for heavy-duty transportation, the intersection of cloud computing and EV charge management, charging infrastructure optimization and its implications for sustainable transportation initiatives. You will also learn about the seamless integration of charging infrastructure into the grid and the transformative potential of wireless charging technology.

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