Conferences for a Renewable 24/7 Energy Supply

May 6–7, 2025

Want to get to know the rules of the new energy world? Meet the most important players in the energy industry? Or learn more about the moves being made in the international markets?

The smarter E Europe brings together four conferences: Intersolar Europe Conference, ees Europe Conference, Power2Drive Europe Conference and EM-Power Europe Conference to shed light on the latest industry developments.

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May 6–7, 2025

Opening Hours



ICM – International Congress Center Messe München
81823 Munich, Germany

Attendees 2,500 expected (Intersolar Europe Conference, ees Europe Conference, Power2Drive Europe Conference, EM-Power Europe Conference, Side Events)
Event Language English

Call for Abstracts

Share your expertise and present at the conferences of The smarter E Europe!

The Call for Abstracts Center ist open until December 7, 2024. In the Center, you will find all information about submission requirements. Details on the topics can be found here .

Submit your Abstract

4 conferences – 1 ticket

During the four conferences of The smarter E Europe you can inform yourself about all facets of the new energy world and discuss with leading experts of the energy industry. Topics include for example the decentralization, digitalization and sector coupling of energy supply, technological trends in photovoltaics and energy storage, and the newest charging technologies for electric vehicles.

Intersolar Europe Conference

Find out today what will be happening in solar tomorrow.

The trend is evident: solar is booming worldwide. The market dynamics are fast-paced, costs continue to tumble, and the entire sector is becoming more professional. What is the impact for the industry? Which entities are driving the trends? Which markets will be most relevant in the future? Which business models will succeed? What role do financing, digital transformation and innovative technologies play in making photovoltaics competitive? Find answers at the Intersolar Europe Conference.

Intersolar Europe Conference

ees Europe Conference

Work today to build the foundations for tomorrow.

Stationary energy storage is fast growing in importance at every point in the energy supply chain. Likewise, electromobility is gaining traction worldwide. The greater need for both is fuelling demand for storage facilities and grid connectivity.

Where are the most promising markets for stationary and mobile energy storage? Which financing schemes are being applied, and what are viable innovative ways of funding? Which players are defining industry best practice with transferable business models? Which quality standards must be met, and what is the role of energy storage in the perspective of sector coupling? What are the trends and innovations for hydrogen technology and power-to-gas? These topics will be discussed at the ees Europe Conference.

ees Europe Conference

Power2Drive Europe Conference

Full speed ahead for innovation electromobility.

Electric vehicles that run on solar or wind power are key to developing a new model of mobility worldwide that is both climate-friendly and sustainable. But for electromobility to prevail, there is one imperative that stands out above all the rest: the need for charging infrastructure with full geographic coverage.

How is this infrastructure developing worldwide? Which markets are most promising? Which business and billing models are moving the industry forward? What are the regulatory frameworks, and how can grid integration succeed?

Join the Power2Drive Europe Conference to find out.

EM-Power Europe Conference

Join us in shaping the grid of the future!

The rapid expansion of renewable energies and the increasing popularity of electric vehicles and power-to-heat systems have a considerable impact on transmission and distribution grids.

How can we prevent grid congestion in the face of growing electricity demand and large-scale power stations being taken out of operation? What role do energy storage systems, sector coupling and the integration of prosumers and consumers into the energy system have to play? And how can we benefit from their flexibility to take the burden off the grids?

The solutions to these issues will be key to a reliable energy supply. Hear the answers to these questions at the EM-Power Europe Conference .

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