Electric vehicle charging infrastructure is on the rise, but challenges remain. In our exclusive interview, we look at the variety of charging options for electric vehicles - from low-power solar charging to megawatt charging - and their impact on the suitability of this promising technology for everyday use.
Interview with Christoph Stürmer, Charin
Could you explain the different charging options for electric vehicles and how these options influence the suitability of electric vehicles for everyday use?
What we think of today as charging is only one half of the coin - in the long term, supplying the electric car with electricity is just as important as supplying the grid with storage capacity. Basically, the idea is that a car should always be connected to the grid when it is not driving; the available idle times therefore determine the required charging power and capacity, and thus the "everyday suitability" of the electric vehicle. If my private vehicle is parked outside the garage during the day, it is best connected to the DC solar inverter as an extended battery; AC charging is more efficient when charging at night from the grid. Buses and trucks can be charged at night in large depots with a few tens of kW to supply the grid, but need fast charging in the megawatt range during the day.
How do you see charging technology developing over the next few years, particularly with regard to fast charging and the integration of renewable energy sources?
Renewable energy sources are all the more usable the more storage is available to buffer fluctuations in supply and demand - fast-charging stations will also play an important role in their overall use, as they can provide significant power reserves for the grid. However, this requires perfect integration of load management with grid control, which will be ensured by new communication standards and conformance testing.
What do you see as the current challenges and opportunities for developing electric vehicle charging infrastructure in urban and rural areas?
The situation is paradoxical: while there is a surplus of sustainable energy in rural areas, the charging infrastructure in some cities is inadequate. It is therefore important to scale the charging options in such a way that they are available without gaps, but can also be operated economically - i.e. with sufficient capacity utilisation. At this point, government planning and smart licensing are likely to be unavoidable, as it is ultimately a matter of public supply and infrastructure.
What role will these issues play at the Power2Drive Europe Conference?
Our session asks a very simple question: how can we ensure that any electric car can be charged quickly, reliably and safely at any wallbox and charging station? With the rapidly increasing number of different electric cars and charging stations, it is no longer possible to test each combination individually, so Charin is working with its industry members to develop common technical standards against which all products can be tested for compliance, ensuring optimal charging.
All information about the Power2Drive Europe Conference from June 18-19, 2024 can be found here .